Organ Transplant is a process of removing organs from a person and transplanting them into another person who is suffering from an organ failure issue. Doctors can save the life of the patient by transplanting the organ in the patient’s body. Various organs can be transplanted like lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas and intestine.
Tissue can also be transplanted, including ligaments, tendons, bones, heart valves, parts of eyes and skin.
If you have an organ that is not functioning correctly or in the stage of failure, you may need an organ transplant. This process is used to improve the patient’s quality of life.
After an organ transplant, your doctor will provide certain medicines such as anti-rejection medicines or immunosuppressive drugs. These drugs help you to decrease the risk of a new organ being rejected by your body. But these drugs decrease your immune system’s ability to fight against infections and increase the chances of getting sick from bacteria and viruses. Some diseases can be caused by unclean food and junk foods. You can decrease the chances of organ infection by:
Consuming hygienic food
Managing food safety
Balanced diet
Being careful when eating out
Avoiding oily and junk foods
Washing your hand before eating anything
Storing raw foods separately
After an organ transplant, it is crucial to manage your diet and do regular exercises. A balanced diet helps you improve the result of your surgery, and everyday activities increase the speed of your recovery. There are different precautions that you should take after your organ transplant. Your doctor will suggest you manage weight and take a balanced diet after your organ transplant.
Get a balanced diet after an organ transplant
Your diet will play a significant role after an organ transplant. In order to maintain your organ health, it is essential to keep a healthy weight and exercise regularly. A balanced and nutrient-rich diet will help prevent high blood sugar, high blood pressure, avoid excess weight gain and improve overall health and wellness. If your food plan is not managed correctly, it may create a significant issue for your health condition. For a balanced diet, you have to:
Add law salt diet to your diet plan
Eat more vegetables and foods
Increase your fibre intake
Consume foods with low sugar
Consume vitamin D and calcium-rich food
Benefits of a proper diet include:
Controls blood cholesterol
Offers calcium
Keeps your blood pressure normal
Maintains your blood sugar level
Avoids weakness
Keeps hydrated
Improves the healing process
Helps to reduce the risk of infection and organ rejection
Additionally, you have to avoid some junk and unhealthy food after an organ transplant. Unwanted and unhealthy foods can affect the life of a transplanted organ. You can take help from your healthcare provider or doctors to create a proper diet plan. They can assist you to comprehend which food you should avoid and why. A list of food is given the blow that you should avoid after your organ transplant.
Avoid High-risk foods after an organ transplant.
Your doctor, healthcare provider or dietitian may recommend you to avoid foods that are mouldy and spoiled. They will also recommend you to avoid the following:
Dairy products
Undercooked or uncooked eggs, seafood or meat
Unpasteurized yoghurt, cheese or milk
Fish, meat and poultry
Mussels, oysters and clams
Prawns or shrimp
Fish, Poultry and Meat
Vegetables and Fruits
Sprouts (Such as bean sprouts or alfalfa)
Unpasteurized ciders or juices
Unwashed salads
Unwashed raw vegetables
Damaged fruits
Unwashed raw fruits
Pomegranate grapefruit, pomegranate juice or grapefruit
After an organ transplant, your doctors may also recommend you avoid herbs. Taking herbal tea or any herbs can react with medication and cause complications.
Avoid excess weight gain after your organ transplant
Gaining weight is common after an organ transplant. Excess or unwanted weight can lead to heart disease and diabetes. Maintaining a healthy weight is an essential thing after your organ transplant. You can manage your weight by the following these points:
Keep a healthy eating pattern
Avoid oily and fried food
Drink plenty of water
Stay well-hydrated with water
Read the food labels before eating
Ignore your midnight cravings
Eat lots of vegetables
Add fruits to your diets
Avoid the junk foods
Avoid alcohol
Avoid processed food and drinks that are high in sodium, sugar and fat
Check your weight two times a week
Do some regular activities such as morning walk
Do some exercises
Add lots of salads to your diet
Take meal 2-3 times in a day
Pay attention to portion size
Join yoga classes
Stay away from the fad diet
Avoid sugary beverages
Avoid chips and crackers
Create and follow the best diet plan
Avoid white rice
Try healthier ways of cooking (Avoid frying)
Monitor your progress and add some new exercises to your workout plan
Consult with dietitian and trainer
You can consult with your dietitian or trainers to prevent excess weight gain.
They can effectively assist you. Your trainer will offer some strengthening exercises and activities. These exercises will help you to power up your metabolism and improve your quality of life.
Final words:
A balanced diet can assist you to decrease or eliminate the risk of complications. It can also help to prevent the condition that can cause your organ failure. Regular exercises and activities can help to increase your strength and maintain your body weight. To stay active and healthy, you should follow a balanced diet and consult with your doctor.