As we all know that due to the coronavirus outbreak, people have to face several challenges. The first wave and second wave of the coronavirus were dangerous and cost soft people. It is crucial to know that the third wave is also expected very soon as the new variant of the virus was detected in several countries.
In that case, you need to build your immunity level. Your immunity will allow you to fight against the virus. It is crucial to maintain the formula or concept of social distance to stop infection and viruses.
Everything to know about SARS-CoV-2 variants
Use GWAS, which stands for genome-wide association studies, is a type of method to analyze all whole-genome sequencing data of SARS-CoV-2 mutations and the mortality data of COVID-19, which can help to analyze the highly pathogenic variants of all the viruses which should be flagged for all containment, and also according to Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health and MIT researchers.
Using this Bio statistical methodology, all the expert researchers pinpoint the mutation in those variants known as P. 1 or Gamma. It is also linked to increased mortality. Even potentially, though, it has greater transmissibility, including higher infection rates and Increased Pathogenicity when the P. 1 variant had been already identified.
This team of methodology was described on 23 June 2021 in the Genetic Epidemiology.
We will tell you all about this methodology with our experience; GWAS methodology will make sure to provide a suitable instrument or tool which will help to identify the potential links between mutations at the specific locations in the viral genomes and disease outcome; Christoph Lange said all these words, he is a professor of biostatistics at Harvard Chan School and also an author of senior papers. He even said that that would enable better real-time detection of the novel, deleterious variants or new viral strains in this pandemic.
In January 2021, there were the first patients in Brazil with a P.1 variant which was documented, and within a few weeks, that variant caused a spike in these cases in Manaus, located in Brazil. This Manaus city had been already really hard hit by a pandemic in May 2020. Even all the researchers thought that the city residents had also achieved population immunity just because there were so many people in that area who had developed antibodies for the virus during that initial wave.
Instead of P. 1, which has various mutations in spike protein, the virus grabs and invades the host’s cells. This also led to the second wave of infections, and it seems to have higher transmissibility. There are greater chances of leading to several deaths than the earlier variants seen in the area.
In September of 2020, several months before the first P. 1 patients were documented in the Harvard Chan School, an MIT team repurposed the methodology used in the GWAS and are widely used to link the genetic variation with the different diseases. Mainly the specific illness linked with the genetic variations to tease the part of the relative Pathogenicity of the several SARS-CoV-2 mutations.
According to the studies and deep research, the new variant is the mutation of the virus, and the mutation process is going on to give rise to the new virus called Delta. The team mainly looked for the link between the mutation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a single-stranded RNA, and the mortality in 7,548 COVID 19 patients. According to the data for the study, which came from the global initiative on the sharing of avian influenza data, which also contains the sequence of the genetic and related to the clinical and epidemiological data associated with the SARS-CoV-2 and the influenza virus.
Final Verdict
Ensure to intake nutritional fruits and foods to boost your immunity level and overcome the challenges of coming viruses together. Now is the time to take proper care of yourself. Make sure to maintain the theory of social distance to avoid the spread of the virus and save people’s lives. It is crucial to take proper nutrition and ensure to meet all the required nutrients to increase your body’s immune system. Your food is the real medicine to fight the new phase of the virus. The new variant was detected in several countries, including India.